Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Got Tagged. . . Again!

7 things I can do:

1. I can write fairly well, but usually I do it for my own enjoyment. I don't do well when I know someone is going to read my work.
2. Texting. I love texting my buddies, and my phone is constantly in my hand. I almost died when our service got shut down for a few months. It was unbearable, but somehow I survived.
3. I have yet to lose a Guitar Hero match with my dad.
4. I'm pretty good at Vollyball. I play middle blocker, but I like to hit from the outside.
5. I also play Softball. I usually play 3rd base, but occasionally I go in for the 2nd baseman or Shortstop.
6. I can make cookies. Mostly just because I had to teach myself how when my parents refused to whenever I was in the mood.
7. I can drive my van about 20 m/p hour as long as nobody else is within a close proximity to me. Im also very good at pressing the gas pedal when I should hit the brake.

7 things I can't do

1. Sing
2. Act
3. Math
4. Whistle
5. Stop myself from correcting someone when they say "Libary" instead of "Library".
6. Lie
7. Talk comfortably on the phone.

7 things that attract me to Edward

1. He's on of the main charachter of the best book ever written!
2. He's a Vampire! Who could possibly resist that?!
3. He's a fictional character, so I can imagine however I want. He can change according to my mood, and nobody would ever be the wiser.
4. He's freakin Hawt!!!
5. Whenever I feel upset, I can just pull out Twilight and he brightens up my day.
6. He is so sweet.
7. He's just perfect. There is no other way to decribe him.

7 things I say often

1. Odd
2. What the freak?
3. Oooooooo . . .
4. You have issues
5. Thats Insane!
6. No Freaking Way!!!
7. Good bye everyone, Love you, have a good day, see you after school! (In that exact order, before I leave for school in the morning)

7 people I admire

1. My Mom
2. My Dad
3. President Monson
4. Heather Meyer; She is a phenominal Vollyball player, and had to sit out this season (her senior year) because of knee surgery, but she never complained and always stuck with the team and tried to help as best she could from the sidelines. The doctors told her she could not play any sport for 6 months, but 3 months later at state she showed them all and played despite them. It was so fun to watch the fear in the other teams eyes when she came in!
5. Katarina B.
6. Chrislynn Call
7. Max Theriot (Whom I'm secretly in love with. . . Shhh!!! Don't tell!)

7 Favorite Foods

1. Crepes with frozen strawberries
2. Clam Chowder and Rolls
3. BBQ
4. P. F. Changs (I love thier lettuce wraps! MMMMM Yumi!)
5. Subway
6. Grapes
7. Pomegranites (Idk how to spell that. . . Oh well!)

People I tag:

1. Dad
2. Tim
3. Garrett
4. Gramma G
5. Chrislynn
6. Little Richie
7. Clay


Kim said...

You are such a cutie-patootie. You just keep being infatuated with Edward, and only Edward, until your 30th birthday. I love you!

Tim & Nancy said...

I think that talking on the phone comfortably must be a Glover thing cuz Tim doesn't like it either. I am going to try to get Tim to do this tag but we'll see. I love your blog and getting to know you, nancy

Lesli said...

I love reading your lists Morgan. I finally went and bought all of Stephanie Meyers books and will begin reading them today. I figure since my Sara and you speak so highly of them - I should know what is being talked about :)